All posts in Comics

Across the Universe

Dream Job 3 - Across the Universe


Thinking ahead

xkcd brings the synchronicity yet again.

Thinking Ahead

I Heart Internet Jesus

Dream Job 2 - I Heart Internet Jesus



Dream Job 1 - Exterminate


Dream Job Teaser


Dream Job Teaser

Dream Job is a web comic by Andre Monserrat.

It appears here each Monday, starting June 9th.


Sometimes that XKCD guy is like a seer, peering into my life.

Click on the image for the larger view.

You got that right

Thanks again, xkcd.

My Feelings Exactly

Via xkcd

Calling All Angels

I made this comic for all of my friends, as a gift. I started to write words under the panels, but realized I didn’t need to say anything else.

Click on the image to see the comic.

What I’m Reading Lately

Fell – Warren Ellis’ atmospheric crime serial.
Nextwave – More Ellis. Brilliant.
Knights of the Dinner Table – Too funny!
Eternals – I hate to say it, but Gaiman’s not blowing me away here.
Tron: Ghost in the Machine – Just started this series. Looks good so far.
The Talisman – Rereading this one. Haven’t read King in years.
Wired – Beck is on the cover. How can it be anything but good?
Knucklebones – Behind on my reading. Just got the latest issue with an article on Faidutti!